Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right.

Achieving gender equality and empowering women is necessary in order to build fair, inclusive, prosperous and peaceful societies.

Even though, there has been progress over the last decades, there are still a lot of targets that need to be achieved, among these:

 End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere, recognize and value unpaid care and domestic work, equal opportunities for leadership, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health, ...

From my point of view, women empowering women is the first step to gain power, support each other, for then to raise their voices and bring awareness and attention to the grievances that need to be fixed!


This series was taken in February 2022 in Grünstadt, Germany. As I found that location, an old bookbindery,  I asked women of a nearby Dance School to participate for this project.


© Sylvi Schaffrath | Bruchstraße 3, 35390 Gießen |